China spotlight
Reveal the future of real estate
10:00-10:25 | Keynote
Development of the real estate market under China's "dual circulation" framework
- Real estate is a key industry closely aligned with the national economy and people's livelihood. What challenges and opportunities will it face under the new framework?
Songcheng Sheng
Counselor to Shanghai Municipal Government;
Adjunct Professor of Economics and Finance,
Julien Zhang
Managing Director, North China
10:25-10:45 | Keynote
City development and city resilience
- China's urbanization rate now stands at over 60%. With a supply-driven market, what direction will the next phase of urban regeneration take and what is the role that real estate will play?
David Xu
Head of Strategic Consulting, China
10:45-11:25 | Panel discussion
Reveal the impact of public REITs to real estate market
- Under the ‘three red lines’ policy for the real estate sector, how will REITs serve as a new way of financing?
11:25-12:00|Panel discussion
Reimagine the future of work in the post-pandemic era
- With the expanding application of the flexible working model, how can building owners and corporate occupiers redesign workplace to improved human experience and technology innovation?
Beijing session
Tea & Talk: Real estate leads the way for Beijing to become a world-class city
15:00-15:10 | Opening remarks
Walk the talk - real estate’s role in changing the capital’s landscape over the past 30 years
Mi Yang
Head of Research, North China
15:10-15:30 | Discussion 1
Center of politics - urban dispersion and city spatial optimization
Wu Chen
Chief Architect
Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
Zhang Yiyi
Senior Director, Strategic Consulting
15:30-15:50 | Discussion 2
Center of culture – urban regeneration to rejuvenate the city
Zhang Zheng
Associate Dean
Tsinghua University Institue for Culture Creativity
Conan Quan
General Manager, North China
Wang Fei
Head of Strategic Consulting, North China
15:50-16:10 | Discussion 3
Center of international exchange – world-class infrastructure and services go hand in hand
Han Liao
Deputy General Manager
Beijing New Aerotropolis
Yen Liu
Office Leader, Beijing
Ricky Li
Head of Property and Asset Management, North China
16:10-16:30 |Discussion 4
Center of technology – the rise of the global innovation hub to boost Chinese unicorns
Zhao Tian
Founding Partner
36kr Fund
Yang Haifeng
General Manager
Raycom Property Investment Co., Ltd.
Julien Zhang
Managing Director, North China