Green Finance and Green Real Estate in China
From value to value: Quantifying the returns of sustainable green buildings
Within the real estate sector, green finance is intended to mobilize and incentivize more private capital to invest in green projects and properties.
In 2018, internationally aligned green bond issuance from China reached USD 31.2 billion, which accounts for 18% of the global volume. However, such issuance volumes still notably fall short of the huge financing demand to fund China’s aggressive growth target for green buildings within the real estate sector.
With support from USGBC, JLL tracked the rental performance and market transactions of LEED-certified and non-LEED certified office buildings across major cities in the region. Results show that LEED buildings in all tier-1 cities in China consistently record higher premiums for both rental and sales value.
In collaboration with GRESB, JLL surveyed more than 60 representatives from property developers and real estate investment funds to offer a closer look at investor sentiment and market trend towards green building investment.