
COVID-19: Global
Occupier Perspective II - (re)entry and (re)imagination

What are the impacts and implications corporate occupiers should consider when re-entering the workplace and reimagining their real estate strategy post COVID-19

May 13, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has completely upended long-established work routines for many millions of people and forced companies to adopt remote working practices like never before. We anticipate that businesses will not go back to normal as we knew it before the outbreak, but will reinvent themselves to be more resilient, adapting their operational models to the ‘next normal’.

Emerging trends will shape the future workplace, alongside many of the familiar pre-COVID-19 structural trends, including growth in corporate outsourcing, rising capital allocations to real estate, urbanization, technology and sustainability.

Report highlights:

  • Lessons learnt from the first countries most impacted
  • The corporate journey towards the “next normal”
  • Re-entry checklist
  • The mega trends influencing the Enterprise of the Future post-COVID-19
  • Emerging scenarios for occupiers in their journey to the “next normal” 

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