Beyond China: Asia's next manufacturing powerhouse

Where are the manufacturing opportunities?

For decades, China dominated manufacturing, but the evolving geopolitical landscape and a focus on supply chain resilience are prompting companies to diversify.

The new battleground? Southeast Asia (SEA) and India. Backed by strong government support and competitive costs among other factors, both are emerging as contenders in the race to become the next manufacturing powerhouse.

But which market is the right fit for your expansion? This report explores:

  • The key drivers of diversifying manufacturing from China

  • How SEA and India are benefitting from the shift

  • Government incentives and policies boosting manufacturing

  • The promising opportunities in each market

Country snapshots

Click on the links to the respective country snapshots below to find out more about the manufacturing opportunities in each market.

Download the report today to unlock the potential of SEA and India for your operations

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