Quantity to Quality
China Cold Chain Logistics
Property Outlook

The scale of China’s consumption continues to expand, and the demand for cold-storage goods continues to increase. Since the publication of JLL’s first cold chain report in 2009, China's cold chain logistics industry has experienced significant development, but its standard is still below the world average.

In this report, JLL has summed up four opportunities that China's cold chain industry is facing from a real estate perspective. These opportunities are expected to bring great potential for rental growth and capital appreciation to China's cold chain facilities. The report also shares JLL’s views on the future development of the industry.

Evaluation Criteria for Cold Chain Assets 


Size and Layout

Operating Cost


Refrigeration System


Facility Structure


Great opportunities

We expect the market to undergo a transformation as developers renovate existing projects and build of new high-spec facilities to meet such upgrade demand. 

Future trend

Growing at a more than 20 percent CAGR pace, China’s cold chain market size is anticipated to reach $58.6 billion in 2020, accounting for almost one-quarter of the global cold chain market. 

Market recommendations
  • Government: Formulate applicable regulations and operational standards with enforcement details.    
  • Developers: Develop cold chain facilities, combining with dry storage, coolers and freezers.    
  • End users: Forward planning, start looking for suitable cold chain facilities at least 12 months in advance.
  • Investors: Pay attention to cold chain facilities with premium locations and good specification, but also keep an eye on cold chain facilities supporting first-mile delivery.

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